Forest Therapy®

Forest Promenade

Why don’t immerse yourself in nature and make a new experience away from hectic daily life?

“Koyurugi Hill” is as a trace of the crustal movement long time ago.
At its edge there is a Forest Therapy® Road, located on a Jomon plateau with abundant springs.
Feel the ancient times at the hokora (small shrine) of Yamato Takeru no Mikoto (legendary prince) and archeological Jomon site.
Experience the season through the fresh bamboo forests and the splendid yellow leaves of ginkgo trees.
Be inspired by the magnificent view of Mt. Fuji, Mt. Hakone and Sagami Bay.
You will enjoy a relaxing healing time.

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Forest Promenade (“The Way”)


“Slowly release your five senses”, “reset your time and space”.
This is the reason why you take a walk.

森のみち(the way)


Healing Forest Course

A route to explore the path of the forest, and to contemplate beautiful bamboo.
Be healed by the forest.

20min. course
Approx. 2000 steps/ Energy consumption 120 kcal



Power Spot Course at Satoyama

A route to explore the aromatic garden and a sacred forest.
For a powerful healing experience.

30min. course
Approx. 2000 steps/ Energy consumption 135 kcal



Gingko Tree Course

A route for those who want to walk longer. Enjoy the changing sceneries of the old cherry tree forest, the view of Mt. Hakone, gingko row trees, and satoyama nature.

72min. course
Approx. 4800 steps/ Energy consumption 360 kcal



Forest promenade (“The Way”)
Course Map